About Us

Welcome to Chameleon Vibes, the new online community site exclusively for Adult Third Culture Kids (ATCK). We’re committed to bringing ATCKs together to share their similarly rich experiences and backgrounds.

The site was founded by ATCKs whose own personal journeys and challenges in finding people who ‘get them’ inspired the creation of a safe online space to help other ATCKs find meaningful and enduring connections. ATCKs are a unique community and connections between them are far deeper than (and often more complicated) than others might realise.

We at Chameleon Vibes feel it’s important to be part of something greater, spreading the word to others who may not have heard the term before, still less realise that they are also an ATCK! For those who are aware, the concept of the ATCK has given meaning and understanding to lifestyle and personality traits which are not necessarily ‘mainstream’ and which before may have been quite inexplicable, or at least difficult to manage. Identifying as an ATCK creates a true sense of belonging and we want to pass this on to others!

Unfortunately, thousands of people are still in the dark, so spread the word, and the more people sign up the more people will feel less lonely and misunderstood.

Enjoy being part of the community, and if you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at [email protected]